Walking Club
The Stay at Home in Wilton Walking Club, led by board members Ellen and Jim Kapustka, offers members the opportunity to explore area parks, preserves and scenic natural surroundings in the company of others. The walks are easygoing and provide a gentle workout. Faster and slower walkers are accommodated. The walks are a great activity for those who want to get out and prefer to do so in a congenial group. Some of our favorite places to explore are the Norwalk River Valley Trail, Sherwood Island State Park, and Weir Farm National Park. A recent discovery is the Seth Low Pierrepont State Park in Ridgefield. On a recent walk there, the group was excited to see a swan on her nest, a great blue heron, and a large snapping turtle.
We generally have lunch together after our walks. We hang out at Heibeck’s or enjoy a brown bag lunch at Sherwood Island or Ballard Park.
For more information, or to sign up for our email alerts, please contact Ellen Kapustka at [email protected].

Contact Information
Stay at Home in Wilton, Inc.
P.O. Box 46
Wilton, CT 06897-0046
[email protected]
Support Us
We are a 501(c)(3) Public Charity. For pennies a day, members have access to resources, services and events – all included in the low membership fee.